Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Jakub Bas

Intro to Games Design

This is a list of some of the projects I worked on, including Game Jams and University assignments.

Project Image

Rabbids Coding Level Design Challenge

As a part of a level design competition made by Ubisoft in partnership with Bibliothèque Sans Frontières, I along with two of my friends designed a level in the Rabbids Coding Editor provided by Ubisoft. Our level was tested by the Ubisoft team and ended up being picked as one of the 8 levels which were added to the game. To play our level, go to Level 33 on Rabbids Coding.

This competition was my first real interaction with the industry, and showed me that the skills I've learnt are still applicable to unfamiliar games and editors. The competition also helped me improve my design skills while working in a team, as that was my first experience outside of fast-paced Game Jams.

Software Used

Rabbids Coding Editor